General Contractor
As a general contractor we are responsible for providing all of the material, labor, equipment (such as engineering vehicles and tools) and services necessary for the construction of the project. As a general contractor we hire specialized subcontractors to perform all or portions of the construction work.
Our responsibilities may include applying for building permits, advising the person they are hired by, securing the property, providing temporary utilities on site, managing personnel on site, providing site surveying and engineering, disposing or recycling of construction waste, monitoring schedules and cash flows, and maintaining accurate records

Construction Management
Construction project management (CM) is a professional service that uses specialized, project management techniques to oversee the planning, design, and construction of a project, from its beginning to its end. The purpose of CM is to control a project's time, cost and quality. CM is compatible with all project delivery systems, including design-bid-build, design-build, CM At-Risk and Public Private Partnerships. Every construction project features some amount of CM

Design - Build
The "design–builder" is often a general contractor, but in many cases a project is led by a design professional (architect, engineer, architectural technologist or other professional designers). Some design–build firms employ professionals from both the design and construction sector. Where the design–builder is a general contractor, the designers are typically retained directly by the contractor. partnership or a joint venture between a design firm and a construction firm may be created on a long term basis or for one project only.
Customer Satisfaction
At R.L. Phillips Construction, Inc. we believe that value to our customers arises from our commitment to customer satisfaction and delivery of quality projects. How do we accomplish that?
Begin with the End in Mind
By firmly establishing the finish date in our minds at the beginning of the project and by learning the plans and specs to the point that we can visualize the finished building, we have a target fixed in our sights and we guide our subs toward that same target. Consequently, all involved parties are moving toward the same objective, which drives everyone toward completing the project on or before the target date.
Stick to It
No matter how tough it gets, no matter how many times an owner may change his or her mind and no matter how big the issues are, we are committed and we move forward, pressing to meet our targets. We communicate, we document, we work hard and we will meet or beat your expectations...we Stick to it until the job is complete!
Get Er Done!
The frank truth is that finishing a job is at least twice as hard as starting a job. It's not hard to get a job going in the beginning when people are excited, the project is 'fresh' and subcontractors are motivated. At the end of a job, the detail often become tedious and tiring and subs sometimes become disillusioned. Since we are accutely aware of this common syndrome, we work hard to motivate our subcontractors, paying close attention to when things might begin to lag even slightly, working diligently to keep tasks on track, helping the subcontractor meet objectives, which, in turn, helps the owner by staying within time and budget. We work hard to "Get 'Er Done" for YOU.

We look forward to hearing from you!
R.L. Phillips Construction, Inc.